Home -> My mountain trips -> August 21st, 2004

Romana -- English

Pictures list from August 21st, 2004

A trip very similar to the one two months ago (June the 19th). I've reached Gura Oticu again by hitchhiking a bit later than expected, around 11h10; the 17km/10mi to Stanele din Podul Giurgiului went quickly . From there I intended to climb Moldoveanu Peak but a pack of dogs which I've met in the forest made me turn back; I took a very well maintained sheperds' trail and finally I reached the main ridge in Fereastra Orzanelelor , exactly like two monthds before. From there I walked eastwards, climbed Vistea Mare summit then descended towards Portita Vistei the finally descended towards Victoria , with the last two hours in the dark.

1. Forest destroyed by avalanche

2. Podul Giurgiului

3. Orzanelei valley, first glacial step

4. Clouds towards south

5. Vistea Mare valley

6. Mountains, fog and clouds

7. Vistea Mare summit

8. Moldoveanu triangle lake

9. Again the lake

10. The last snowpatch for this summer

11. Sunset with the main ridge as background