Home -> My mountain trips -> May 14th, 2005

Romana -- English

Pictures list from May 14th, 2005

I've climbed from Busteni on the trail which winds under the funicular up to Caraiman chalet ; from here I took a less travelled path to Piatra Arsa ; from the plateau I descended a small valley up to Schiel road , a bit further down from Canton Jepi; then I followed the Schiel road to Busteni . Lots of snow, even compared to the trips in the previous days; here the snow started just further up from Busteni, around 1100m high!

1. A secondary valley

2. A watery hole

3. Another small valley

4. Caraiman waterfall

5. Looking back

6. Caraiman chalet and the plateau

7. Sun and clouds in the plateau