Home -> My mountain trips -> August 10th, 2005 -> Picture # 14
14. Four valleys (239 kB) [Index] - [<<] - [>>] - [All for August 10th, 2005] - []
Probably the most interesting photo from the ones I took during this Retezat trip. One can see the four valleys which diverge from Pietrele Chalet to the main ridge. To the left is Muntele Mare (2469m) which borders Galesu Valley /red triangle/ which I climbed the previos day. Then follows Valea Rea mountain and valley /yellow triangle/ which I used for descent. Then follows the Pietrele valley /blue stripe/ which is the main access trail from Pietrele to Bucura then, the closest one, Stanisoara /blue triangle/. The ridge where I was, Lolaia /yellow stripe/, is the fifth and the last way of going up from Pietrele.