Home -> My mountain trips -> July 2nd, 2007

Romana -- English

Pictures list from July 2nd, 2007

After two years I left for Retezat with big plans but I've been forced to adjust them because of the rain. During the first day I went from Carnic to Pietrele chalet ; the second I trekked on the Culmea Lolaia up to the Retezat summit ; just before reaching the summit the thunderstorm started, with lots of thunders and flashes; since it rained for three hours I was forced to descend towards Retezat saddle then back to the chalet on the Stanisoara valley . For the third day it took me 2 and a half hours for the forestry road from Pietrele to Nucsoara village .

1. The Lolaia waterfall

2. Culmea Lolaia

3. Stanisoara upper glacial valley

4. The Retezat summit

5. Hail

6. The end of the ascent

7. Looking down from the peak

8. Stanisoara lake

9. A glacial floor

10. Rapids on the valley

11. The former chalet

12. Here I stayed

13. My roommates