Again we've left the car at Piscu Negru; the intial plan called for us to
reach Caltun Lake then on the main ridge until Capra Saddle then descent
towards Capra Chalet. The nightfall was supposed to get us somewhere ardound
the middle of the itinerary. The first part of the trek, up to
Caltun Lake was uneventful; we did not realise that we should turn back
due to abundant snow so we continued towards Capra . Somewhere in the
middle of the main ridge trail, between Laita and Paltinu peaks, we finally
realised that we cannot go on so we decided to turn back. It was already
3am and the moon disappeared so we took a 2 hour break, until 5am, on
absolute darkness. Even after resuming the march we've had probles;
we decided to descend thru Paltinu Valley ; here the abundant snow caused
us futher problems. Finally, after lots of adventures, we've reached the car
the second day around 1.30pm (the initial plan called for us to reach it
just after midnight - so we were late by more than 12 hours!)