When descending four days before the Strunga Dracului I decided to visit the
place again, together with Strunga Doamnei. To reach them I've chosen two
path rarely used and the result was a nice day out. After parking the car &
wife at the Piscu Negru Chalet I've climbed the Lespezi Valley
(this marking is not mentioned on older maps) until it crosses
the trail which climbs from Arefu to Negoiu ; from here
I've descending thn climbed the other side of Caldarea Berbecilor ,
until the top of the Strunga Doamnei, which I descended , then I climbed
Strunga Dracului ; finally the return was on the Negoiu-Arefu trail until
the Podeanu-Florea saddle from where I took another trail to Piscu
Negru .