Home -> My mountain trips -> August 27th, 2010 -> Picture # 19
The descent was full of adventures... the train was at 9.00pm; we started
the descent at 7.05pm at Saua Crapaturii (1606m); at 8.25pm we were at
the lower end of the valley, where it meets the blue stripe trail (959m);
since there were 6km to the station on the normal trail the only chance
we got was to descend further Crapaturii valley (now a wide path between
the hills) down to the forestry road which comes from Plaiul Foii; we reached
the road at 8.45pm, exactly when a car was passing; we were lucky to get a lift
and he dropped us at the station at 8.56pm... many thanks to him!
Here we were on the train, pretty exhausted after the speedy descent.
Emil makes the sign of victory, after a day full of adventures :-)